Gospel-Centered Family

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Family Friday Links 6.3.16

Here's what we've been reading online this week:

Mark Dever had a post on the Gospel Coalition site on the importance of discipleship. He wrote, "What is discipling in addition to helping others follow Jesus? It’s doing them spiritual good." This is not just a good post for parents, pastors, and volunteers; but for all believers. This is something we are all called to. The post offers practical steps to talk as we seek to disciple.

Donald Macleod had a post on the Desiring God site on joy. This is something we all desire to experience more of. It reads, "... [the Holy Spirit] fills our hearts with joy by focusing our minds, not on joy itself, but on the majesty of God, the beauty of Christ, and the unsearchable riches which are ours in him." This is a needed reminder.

John Hailes had a post entitled "Raising & Releasing the Next Generation." He writes, "When we include teenagers in our ministry its messy. Sometimes putting them on the stage is even cringe worthy. However, its so unbelievably necessary for our ministries and the future of kidmin…" He goes on to list several reasons this is important. Pastors and leaders this is worth considering.

Our friend, Sam Luce, wrote another amazing post on parenting. He says, "If you are a parent and are looking to invest your time where it matters most to get the most bang for your buck, I would urge you to consider the three things I have listed below." You'll have to go to the post to see what Sam's list. Parents this is an important post for you.

What have you been reading online? Leave a link in the comment section for us to check out.