Family Friday Links 7.30.21

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Here’s what we’ve been reading only lately:

Dale Hudson had a helpful post on leadership. It’s a top ten list that leaders of any ministry (or any leadership position) would do well to keep in mind.

Michelle Anthony had a post on behavior vs. faith. This is a good post for parents as well as those that lead and teach kids and youth. It’s one thing to modify behavior with fear of punishment and/or intimidation; it’s another thing entirely to (and harder work) to aim at heart.

Ligonier had a post for husbands. It’s a reminder to love your wife completely and fully. This is a reminder for those of us, who like me in my simplistic mind, forget that both women and relationships are more complex than we typically give them credit for. God has called (… and by that I mean commanded …) husbands to love their wives.

What have you been reading and benefiting from online lately? Leave us a link in the comment section to check out.

Pat Aldridge