Family Friday Links 08.14.20

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Here’s what we’ve been reading online:

Isaac Kierstead was over on LifeWay’s Kids Ministry page exhorting us with post entitled “Use What You Have Learned”. As churches start or reopen, as we get ready to welcome kids back in our ministries, we need to remember what we’ve learned during the pandemic. Having resources and teachings available online don’t need to stop, but should continue as we seek to reach those outside the church.

Teach Sunday School had a post about a product that we should all be interested in, one page outlines of every book of the Bible. These would make great classroom decorations or hands out for students as you enter into studying a new book. These outlines are as through as they are visually stunning.

Glenna Marshall had a post on the Gospel Coalition site on back to school decisions. She writes, “We’re not all making our choice with the same set of options. Therefore, we’re going to make different decisions. We’re free to make different choices and free to be kind to others.” We don’t have to agree with decisions others make, but the least we do is be kind to them as they stand on their decision.

What have you been reading online lately and benefitting from? Leave us a link in the comment section to check out.

Pat Aldridge