Gospel-Centered Family

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Family Friday Links 9.25.15

Here's what we've found helpful online this week:

Gospel Centered Discipleship had a post asking the question, "Are kids a barrier or a blessing for missional communities?" It reads, "As opposed to viewing children as a barrier, let’s view them as a blessing. Yes, it’s chaotic. Yes, it can drive us crazy. But, despite that, let’s model graciousness in our families and groups towards our children." Kids need to understand the community is for them and we as parents need to teach and model for them what that means.

Matt Adair wrote a post on how to help parents follow Jesus. He suggests that best way to prepare parents for the "tough gig" of parenting is to create your own content. Have the parents help you by supplying topics. Don't just copy what may (or may not) be working elsewhere.

Desiring God had a post on parenting. It dealt with how our kids, from the earliest of ages can develop prejudices. It reads, "If we want to see our children reject the sin of partiality, we must point them to their Impartial Savior." Parents, we need to remind our kids as the occasion warrants, that we called to love the broken ... like God loved us when we were broken by sin.

Our friend Timothy Paul Jones wrote a post about effective family ministry. He says, "Family-equipping is not a series of steps to success. It is not a programmatic panacea for your church’s problems. It is a process that works its way over time into every aspect of your ministry." He lists several categories that helpful to think through.

What have you been reading online and found helpful? Leave us a link in the comment section for us to check out.