Friday Family Links 8.21.2020

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Here’s what we’ve found helpful online recently:

Mike Frost had a post entitled, “The Religious Life of Gen Z”. While is primary focus were teens in Australia, the conclusions he draws are, in my opinion, apply more broadly. Reaching this generation requires helping them with clear and more robust apologetic and evangelism than in the past.

The New Growth Press blog had a post about kids and sadness. It reads, “Grief and sadness are our natural response to losing something important to us.” It goes on to list 6 helpful reminders for parents and pastors to keep in mind when it comes to helping them through it.

Michayla White had a post on ways to think clearly. she says, “If you’ve been feeling a little bit foggy lately, you’re not alone. We are all navigating through uncharted territory.” She lists 3 ways to work through the fog. These are helpful strategies that can be easily implemneted.

What have you found helpful online lately? Leave us a link in the comment section to check out!

Pat Aldridge