Easter Family Devotional: Jesus is Alive!

Read Matthew 28:1–10Luke 24:1–12

You could also read "God's wonderful surprise" from The Jesus Storybook Bible (pages 310–317), or
"Story 40: Jesus Lives!" from The Beginner's Gospel Story Bible (pages 254–259).

Kids Teaching Video

Students Video


Easter Sunday is the most important day in the whole Christian calendar. It is right up there with Christmas and Good Friday! These days are important because they all show us how much God loves us. He loves us so much that he sent his Son to be born as a man, to live a perfect life, and to die for our sins. When Jesus died on the cross, he took the full punishment and wrath of God for our sins. We deserve that punishment, but Jesus took it upon himself. After Jesus died, he was buried in a tomb.

 But on the third day, he rose again! Jesus did not stay dead. He defeated death!  Now, because Jesus died and rose, we can receive the free gift of salvation. When the women visited the tomb and saw the angels, they didn't believe it was possible. But the angels reminded them that Jesus had told them this would happen: "He is not here, he is risen—just as he said!" When the women went and told the disciples, they also did not believe. They thought the news was too good to be true. But Jesus always keeps his promises.

 Now Jesus promises us that if we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. If we confess and repent of our sins, and turn to Jesus as our Lord and Savior, we will be saved. In his resurrection, Jesus secures the free gift of salvation for us. Because he lives, we are given new life in Christ! Salvation from our sins is the greatest gift we could ever receive. And Jesus' gift of life is available to everyone! And when you receive good gifts, we want to tell other people about them. So, don't keep this great gift to yourself. Tell everyone how Jesus has given you new life!

Think about it!

Use some questions to review the story with your family.
These questions are built just for STUDENTS.

Why is Easter Sunday the most important day on the Christian calendar?

Read Luke 24:5-8 and Ask: What are some of God’s most important promises? Do you have trouble believing that God keeps his promises? Why or why not?

Read Luke 24:9-11 and Ask: When you hear that salvation is free, and you do not have to earn it, do you believe it? Does it seem too good to be true?

How do you usually respond to the story of Jesus’ resurrection? What does this reveal about your heart towards God and his message of salvation?

Remember It! 

Take a few minutes to review our catechism question, memory passage. You can sing the memory passage song and dance along to the second worship song about new life in Jesus.

Memory Passage:"Greater love has no one than this: that he lay down his life for his friends." John 15:13 (NIV 1984)

Big Picture/Catechism Question:
How did Jesus die? Jesus suffered and died on the cross, but after three days, he rose again!

Review and Pray! 

Here are some great ideas to review this lesson in your own family.
These activities are built just for KIDS.

  • Play this representative game: Every time one member of the family does something helpful today, every member of the family gets a reward—like a piece of chocolate. Explain that because the other members of your family are representing you, you get to share in their reward. This reminds us about how Jesus is our representative. 

  • Print out and color some of these Good Friday and Easter coloring pages.

At the end of your devotional, take time to pray. Pray for those who are severely affected by the virus, for our government leaders as they make decisions about our city, state, and country, and for peace for your church family during these trying times.