The Great Rebellion


In today’s episode, we explore the implications of The Fall and see how this fall has resulted in our rebellion against the Creator of the Universe. In considering the garden we can see the perfect place God wants us to have and what we will realize when we are with Him in heaven. This perfect Garden of God was the setting for The Great Rebellion. Join us as we explore The Fall of man. We learn about God, we learn about the devil and we learn about ourselves.

The Big Takeaways

Satan Wants For Us What He Got For Himself

Satan’s efforts are always to separate people from God. His pride earned him separation from God and he wants to convince us we don’t need God. We can see from Satan’s interaction with Adam and Eve, through his bitterness, Satan is working to convince all of mankind they don’t need to get closer to God but can be satisfied ion being far from Him.

Sin Isn’t Just an Idea, It’s Something In Us and On Us

At times we can think of the idea of sin and think of it as a concept that was on Jesus when He was on the cross but instead it is our very actions that were placed on the sinless Son of God that day. And it isn’t just the activity of our sin that is so wrong, it is all the wrong behind the action. Eve didn’t sin by merely taking the fruit; she sinned in thinking God was keeping something good from her and in wanting to put herself in the position to make those decisions, rather than God. Sin goes much deeper than mere disobedience, it is a true rebellion.

God Wants to Cover Us With His Righteousness Like He Covered Adam and Eve in their Nakedness

God paints the most beautiful pictures throughout the Bible. He pictures for us, in the clothing of Adam and Eve, what He offers us in Salvation. There was sin so there had to be a death. God killed an animal to cover Adam and Eve. We’ve sinned so there has to be a death. Jesus was crucified for us so we can be covered by His righteousness. Wow! That is good news!

Seth York