Welcome to From the Beginning
Why another podcast?
Well, it isn’t just another podcast—It is a gospel-centered podcast for kids! And, in my experience, there aren’t nearly enough of those out there! If there is something that I think we could benefit from, it would be an abundance of God-honoring, Bible-based, family-oriented content for our families to consume! Frankly, I’ve seen the opposite. I’ve searched “Christian Podcast for Kids” and have found a) something very bad, b) something very old, or c) something not Christian or for kids. Consequently, I found myself sharing this idea for a podcast with people all the time hoping someone would grab the idea and make the podcast I really wanted for my kids. What I found was a lot of people telling me I should make the podcast I wanted. So, here we are.
What’s the big idea?
“Narrative is essential in burying the truths of God’s Word deep in our hearts.”
The concept for this podcast is based upon my understanding and conviction that narrative is essential in burying the truths found in God’s Word, deep in our hearts. When we grasp something on an intellectual level, it is good but it isn’t our cognitive mind that often drives our actions, it is the emotional, connecting, energizing realization of a truth that motivates our thinking selves into action. Many of us have had the experience, like Paul, where we know the good that we need to do but we find ourselves doing what we don’t want to do. I see in scripture a connection of story to the motivation (of the heart) to get our bodies to do what we know (in our heads) we ought to do.
The Nuts and Bolts
I want this show to be highly digestible, engaging, solid (biblically), and fun. I plan to direct the listener to other resources that I’ve found helpful. I have observed the world is much better at connecting our kids to related media than the church. Now, that’s ok. We’re not called to be expert marketers but I do think we could step up our game in being “wise as serpents” remembering that we have been sent out in the midst of wolves. Our episodes will work to have meaningful illustrations, biblical truth, biblical content, goofy humor, and helpful resources. We will have adult voices and kid voices. We’ll point to big, life-changing concepts and simple, life-giving truth. We’re going to ask big questions and answer big questions. Prayerfully, by God’s grace, we’ll do this well. Will you pray for us?