What Is God's Kingdom?

Trey: Welcome to Press Pause. It’s the under 10-minute family worship podcast designed to help you—dads, moms, grandparents, and guardians—share big truths about Jesus with your kids.

I’m your host, Trey, and I’m here with my friend Kevin (Hi Trey!), and Jared (Hey man!). Whether you’re a young parent taking your first steps in discipling your child, or you’re a seasoned pro who’s already got weekly devotional rhythms in place, this podcast is for you and it couldn’t be easier to use! Just listen along with your family and be ready to press pause (see what we did there?) from time to time and talk about this week’s big truth with your kids.

Before we begin, I have a question for the guys: What is your favorite fictional kingdom?

Kevin: Wakanda forever!

Jared: Mushroom Kingdom. Mario Brothers for life!

Trey: Wizarding World. Expecto Patronum! Kevin, tell us about this week’s big question and answer.

Kevin: The big question for today is… What is God’s kingdom? And the answer is, “Where we live life with God under his loving rule.” Let’s say it again. What is God’s kingdom? [Together: Where we live life with God under his loving rule.]

Trey: Where do we learn about that in the Bible, Kevin?

Kevin: We learn about the greatness and surpassing value of God’s kingdom in Matthew 13:44–46. Verse 44 says, “The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field.” Press Pause then open your Bible to Matthew 13:44–46 and read that passage with your family.

Trey: So, Matthew 13:44–46 says this: “The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and covered up. Then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field. Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant in search of fine pearls, who, on finding one pearl of great value, went and sold all that he had and bought it.”

The Bible tells us that living life in God’s kingdom is worth giving up everything. Jared, can you tell us why that’s the case.

Jared: God’s kingdom is where we live life with God under His loving rule. God’s kingdom is the place where God’s dream for the world comes true. Think about it.

When you hear the words king or queen, what do you think about? Do you think of a king from a cartoon like Sleeping Beauty—someone who may be kindhearted but is weak and cowers in the face of an enemy?  Do you think of an evil emperor—like Bowser in the Mushroom Kingdom—who makes all of his people live in fear? Do you think of a ruler whose wealth and fame has made him greedy and selfish? Do you think of a good and strong king like the Black Panther whose rule is just and good, but whose kingdom doesn’t last? (In every new adventure, there are new rivals for the throne). 

God made the whole world and everything in it. And because God made the world, he’s in charge of the world. God is in charge of everything! He is the king! But God’s rule isn’t weak, selfish, or temporary like human kings. God’s rule is good. He is just, loving, powerful, and eternal!

Kevin: Now that’s a great kingdom! 

Jared: It’s the best kingdom. And the Bible tells us that it’s worth giving our whole life to be a part of that kingdom. Like the man who found the treasure in the field or the merchant who saw the pearl at the market, when you find God’s kingdom, you know that it’s worth sacrificing everything to be a part of it! 

Press Pause and talk about these truths with your family. Answer these questions together: What makes God kingdom the most beautiful and best? What do we have to give up in order to gain the wonders of God’s kingdom?

Trey: Okay, we’re back. So, Jared, what is it that makes God’s kingdom the most beautiful and best?

Jared: There are many wonderful things about God’s kingdom. When God’s kingdom comes, sin will be destroyed and the wicked will be punished. Every tear will be wiped away, and there will only be joy and happiness. But the best thing about God’s kingdom is that Jesus will be there. The king who loved us enough to give up everything for us will be there!

Let’s close our time in prayer by giving Jesus thanks for the sacrifice he made in order to bring us into his kingdom. Jesus, thank you for sacrificing your life for our lives. For the joy set before you—for the joy of life in the kingdom with us—you endured the sufferings of the cross. Help us to see the wonderful joy of living forever under your rule in your kingdom. Amen. 

Trey: Thanks again for listening to Press Pause, the under 10-minute family worship podcast. Be sure to subscribe to Press Pause in your favorite podcasting app and leave us a rating or review. Also be sure to follow Gospel-Centered Family on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. Join us next week for more big truths about Jesus for your whole family. 

Rachel from Love Thy Neighborhood: Press Pause is brought to you in part by the Love Thy Neighborhood podcast: exploring today’s cultural moments through true stories of social action and Christian faith. Check out the show that Christianity Today called “amazing and authentic” by searching for Love Thy Neighborhood on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or at love thy neighborhood dot org.