It might seem counterintuitive to teach our teenagers about the heretics throughout church history, but in order to guard them against the false teachers of today we would do well to educate them about the false teachers of yesterday.
Read MoreWear a cross and you signal you’re a Christian; bear the cross and you prove it. Believers today can feel surprised by trials or tempted to adopt a victim mentality when we encounter them. Luther, by contrast, believed that to know Christ, we must know him in his sufferings.
Read MoreUnless you’re holding an armful of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle action figures, The Really Radical Book for Kids will almost certainly be the most radical thing in your house. Here are the six things I love about this book that make it a must-have for parents of elementary/middle school aged kids.
Read MoreAs our kids start school, hit the playground, or begin playing sports they’ll inevitably encounter kids with different religious or cultural worldviews than their own. How can we navigate these different ways of looking at the world? Here’s three simple guidelines to get you started in these conversations with your kids.
Read MoreEvery Christian parent wants their kids to be involved in church. We want to model what worship, community, discipleship, and service can look like in their own lives. Here are some ways to help your kids engage in what’s happening on Sundays so that they can grow to love their church.
Read MoreChildren are a gift from the Lord, but parenting can be difficult. Here are four ways to make sure you’re pointing your kids to Jesus through all the ups and downs along the way.
Read MoreJesus calls his disciples (and us) to be like children. His words may have seemed harsh when they heard them, but Jesus wanted his disciples to see that they were just as needy as the child he set before them. Jesus is calling us to that same neediness today.
Read MoreOur story, the chapters that compose our lives, finds meaning when we read the Story of the whole Bible. And when we keep our finger on this Great Story, the Lord helps us navigate the messy and disappointing and scary pages of our lives.
Read MoreAs an athlete for most of my life, I’ve had several men in my life that I’ve grown to love. These men brought out the best in me. They said hard things to me. Many even yelled at me. Yet, I always came back to them.
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