Family Friday Links 6.2.17

Here's what we've been finding helpful online this week:

All Pro Dad had a post by Tony Dungy on what kids need from their dads. There's a couple minute video there Dungy explains his answer. While this answer isn't necessarily unique, and will look differently for different dads, it is no less valuable for all. Dad's, you need to take his answer seriously and put his advise into practice.

Mark Merrill had a post on saying sorry. He's addressing the unintentional things we do or say that hurt someone else. He lists 6 steps to walk through to say sorry well. This is well worth all of time to consider these things because we all do or say things that unintentionally hurt others.

My (Pat's) pastor and friend, Joe Thorn, had post on the topic of contentment. He wrote, "Contentment is born of grace, not goods." He goes on to discuss how suffering and contentment work together. This is another read we all need.

What have you been encouraged by online? Leave a link in the comment section to check out.