Family Friday Links

One of the things we hope to accomplish with this blog is to point other parents and pastors to helpful resources. We do a lot of reading because we believe that, "All of us are smarter than one of us." To pass on what we've found helpful, we will post "Family Friday" links.

Enough with the explanation, now on to the links ...

Sam Luce had a post on answering kids questions, even the tough ones. He writes, "If we tell our kids half-truths they will find out once they discover our half-truths we have used to deflect or delay from tough conversations our kids will begin to wonder which half of everything we say is untrue." Parents, Children's ministry workers, Youth leaders this is something we need to keep ever before us.

Our friend , Marty Machowski, preached a sermon entitled "The Rod and Reproof". This can be a polarizing topic, but if anyone can handle to topic with grace and truth, it's Marty. Parents, this is a biblical look at the topic.

Amy Julia Becker had a post on the Huffington Post blog on how kids help parents grow up. She writes, "I don't mean I never felt love for them. I mean that loving these kids required a depth of emotional and spiritual maturity I didn't seem to have." This is a good read for all parents especially those that are about to be parents.

Tim Elmore had a post about how to bring out the best in kids. The post reads, "The truth is: Leading kids is a balancing act. In fact, all good leadership is a balancing act. It is providing two sides of a coin; both the tough and tender side of it all." This post helps both parents and teachers in the hard and slow work of maturing kids.

The Connected Family blog had a post on what kids need. It reads, "Kids need love, a sense of purpose, and accountability." The post goes on to explain each. This is another post for both parents as well as ministry workers.

We don't claim to know it all. We are still learning. We hope these links will challenge and encourage you. What are you reading online that you've found helpful? Leave a comment and we will check it out.

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