3 Simple Ways Leaders Need to Think About Discipleship

It the first chapter of the book ReCalibrate Phillip Nation states, “Disciple-making is a complex thing. But it is also simple” (p. 18). He then goes on to list list three ways leaders need to think about it:

  • Guiding believers to prioritize Jesus above every other passion.

  • Teaching believers how Jesus is better that all the “vices” the world offers and the “virtues” offered by every other religion.

  • Partnering with them to teach others the same.

While this book is geared towards family ministry leaders, these principles apply more broadly. In fact, this applies to any kind of disciple-making leadership—whether it’s leading pastors and staff, leading volunteers, or leading as a parent. The three ways of thinking about discipleship will help us to have a multiplying mentality. After all, discipleship isn’t the job of a select few, but all believers. We need to remember that God’s good news came to us on its way to someone else. We are not just recipients of grace but are called to be distributors of that grace as well.